Donald Trump Elections Viral Video WTF?!

Trump Starts Drooling During Campaign Speech In Georgia And Grosses Out The Internet

Donald Trump is not well, and the signs of his rapid mental decline are increasing with every interview he gives or speech he makes to his adoring acolytes.

For some time now, it’s been clear that the failed one-term president isn’t as mentally sharp as he was four years ago when he lost in a landslide to President Joe Biden. He rambles more, loses his train of thought, and mispronounces the simplest words.

Just last week, the disgraced ex-head of state mixed up Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan with the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, as Newsweek reported at the time.

“We were energy independent, we were soon going to be energy dominant, and we would’ve been now having so much money coming out of the energy. We just have the best.

“We have Bagram in Alaska. They say it might be as big, might be bigger than, all of Saudi Arabia. I got it approved. Ronald Reagan couldn’t do it. Nobody could do it. I got it done.”

And now Donald is drooling on himself.

Yes, really.

During a campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia, on Tuesday, Trump drooled while addressing his fans. Take a look:

The video set off a wave of speculation about what might be happening with the rapidly declining GOP presidential nominee, with some speculating it could be related to drug usage.

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Trump Urges NBC To Bring Back Johnny Carson – Even Though He Died In 2005

For several months earlier this year, failed one-term former president Donald Trump repeatedly demanded that President Joe Biden drop out of the 2024 election because he was allegedly suffering from dementia and unfit for office.

However, with each campaign rally Donald has done since Biden bowed out of the race in July and was replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris, it’s Trump who now acts and sounds like a man who needs immediate medical attention for his declining mental health.

If you doubt that, consider remarks Trump made Monday evening during an event in Pennsylvania:

“He’s not very funny. (Jimmy Fallon)  Can you believe that guy? Those three guys, they’re being blown away by Gutfeld. You know, Gutfeld, totally dominant. Those guys. Do you remember that guy? When I first ran, it was like 2015 thinking about running. I was going to run. I went on his show, right? And he goes, The Tonight Show, which is dying. They’re all dying. Where’s Johnny Carson? Bring back Johnny. It made you appreciate, right? Uncle Sam? It made you appreciate the greatness of Johnny Carson and these guys.”

He then added:

“These three guys, they’re so bad. All three of them. All three of them. But this one, I go on a show and he goes, is that your real hair? I said, yeah, he said, do you mind if I mess it up? I said, I’d prefer no. Do you remember this? I said I’d prefer it if you didn’t, to be honest. But if you have to. So he grabs it and he starts really going crazy, right? And everybody laughed. And it was a big thing and it was a big hit. It was all over the place and he got great ratings and all. And six months later he went out because he was under pressure to apologize because he humanized Donald Trump.”

Bring back Johnny Carson? To do that, you’re gonna need a heater and some smelling salts, because he’s been dead since 2005.

So now we have the Republican candidate for the White House calling for the reinstatement of a man who has been deceased for almost two decades, which begs the question, Did Trump think Carson was still alive, or is he just too stupid to realize that dead people don’t come back from death after 20 years?

Social media had some thoughts on Donnie’s worsening dementia.

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Arizona Trump Rally Attendees Report Bizarre Eye Problems After Event: ‘I Can’t See Anything’

Failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Tucson, Arizona last week, and afterwards at least six people in attendance said they began exeperiencing serious eye problems, including one woman who claims she can no longer see.

According to KVOA-TV, the attendees were all sitting on the stage, directly behind Trump.

One of them is Mayra Rodriguez, who became a prominent figure within the Republican party after becoming a Planned Parenthood “whistleblower.”

Rodriguez used to be a Planned Parenthood Director but made a notable transition into a strong pro-life advocate and supporter of Donald Trump.

“As soon as we left and we stepped outside my eyes were burning,” Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez initially thought the eye problems were the result of allergies, but she wound up in the emergency room when they got worse.

“The emergency room staff, from the triage nurse to the PA [Physicians Assistant] asked are you sure you didn’t get sprayed with something your symptoms look like you got sprayed with something,” she said.

And now Rodriguez says her sight is completely gone.

“I can’t see anything when I try to open my eyes. I see a bright light. It hurts, it hurts a lot to open my eyes. I have this cold cloth I put on and take off constantly. It’s horrible.”

Another woman said she had similar symptoms.

“It kept getting worse and worse, my eyes were watering a lot, my nose started running then I started feeling my face get really flushed and my neck felt like it was on fire and it just progressed from there.”

What is the Trump campaign doing about the bizarre ailments that began occurring after the Tucson rally? According to a statement they released, they’re “collecting information.”

“We remain committed to the countless patriots that attend our high-energy, high-impact rallies across the country.”

Do you suppose the eye problems are related to the fact that the attendees were sitting so close to pure evil for over an hour?

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Declining Donald Claims Nonexistent ‘Audience’ At Last Week’s Debate ‘Went Crazy’

Proving once again that he’s in serious mental decline, failed former president Donald Trump claimed Wednesday evening during an appearance on Fox News that the “audience” at last week’s debate with Vice President Kamala Harris “went crazy” when he was fact-checked my moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis.

Speaking with Fox host Greg Gutfeld, Mediaite notes, Trump remarked, “And they didn’t correct her once. And they corrected me, everything I said, practically. I think nine times or 11 times. And the audience was absolutely– they went crazy.”

There was no studio audience at the debate. Just Trump, Harris, and the moderators.

Trump’s latest gaffe led to a larger discussion Thursday on “Morning Joe,” with co-host Joe Scarborough commenting, “Well, I mean, yeah. You know, the stagehands were going crazy.”

“What debate is he talking about?” Mika Brzezinski asked.

That led MSNBC host Jonathan Lemire to remind viewers of another verbal mixup from Trump earlier in the week when the ex-president confused Afghanistan with Alaska.

“This is happening more and more for Donald Trump. Let’s remember, he is 78 years old. With so much attention on [President Joe] Biden’s age when he was still in the race, it was overlooked that Trump is just a couple years younger and just as prone, maybe more so, to these verbal slips and confusion.”

“It’s harder to pick it up from Trump sometimes because he’s so loud and has been doing this for years, so we may be numb to it,” he added. “There is a new focus here about his mental capability and fitness for office — certainly one that Democrats are pointing to. These mistakes, the mix-ups are seemingly only increasing by the day. “

When will someone drop a net over Donald Trump and put him in an assisted living facility where he belongs? He can never again be allowed to control the U.S. nuclear arsenal, and he sure as hell can’t be trusted with top-secret information. He’d probably sell it to the Russians and think he’d given it to his son Barron.

Donald Trump education Trump Supporters WTF?!

Enraged Trump Supporter Claims Schools Are Putting ‘Litter Boxes In The Bathrooms’

According to a supporter of failed former president Donald Trump, children are now “terrified” of going to school because there are “litter boxes in the bathrooms.

Before a Trump campaign rally in Flint, Michigan, Titus Smith of Right Side Broadcasting Network spoke with a woman who said she will vote for Trump so he can be “the voice for our children.”

“You can’t even protect them at school,” the woman claimed. “These kids are terrified.”

“They have put into litter boxes in the bathrooms and everything else, instead of teaching our kids,” she added. “It’s scary what’s happening.”

The Trump acolyte also said her kids are afraid to vote for Trump “because they’re so afraid of what people are going to think of them.”

“They are afraid of politics, completely afraid, because they don’t want to upset anybody,” she continued. “They want to vilify you and make you feel if you say something, what you believe to be true, what you know to be true, that you are the problem.”

The lie about litter boxes in schools began making the rounds among right-wing politicians who asserted that schools were installing litter boxes to accommodate students who identify as cats instead of human beings.

But as Harvard University research director Joan Donovan notes, “What’s most provocative about this hoax is how it turns on two key wedge issues for conservatives: educational accommodations and gender nonconformity.”

In other words, it’s bullshit created to suggest there’s a problem that doesn’t even exist. Then again, the GOP has become the party of conspiracy theories and lies, so it fits right into their bizarre strategy for getting the votes of gullible simpletons.