Congress GOP Social Media WTF?!

Photo Of Marjorie Taylor Greene Has People Wondering If She’s Pregnant

You may have heard that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) husband, Perry, filed for divorce in September of last year, ending their marriage of 27 years.

More recently, Greene has been seen in public with her new beau, Brian Glenn, who is the program director for Right Sight Broadcasting, a network with a political bent to the right of Atilla the Hun.

Now, however, there’s a new debate taking place on social media regarding a photo taken of Greene signing a baseball.

Here’s the full photo, which got clipped down to fit into the tweet:

Could that be a baby bump? Or is Greene getting tubby? Since she often posts videos of herself working out, added weight seems unlikely, unless, of course, there’s a child gestating inside.

Greene, it should be noted, is 48, which is older than most women choose to give birth, but it’s certainly not unheard of for a woman her age to do so.

The photo set off a lot of chatter on Twitter, with many people suggeting that Marge sure looks like she’s with child.

If indeed Greene is pregnant, here’s a name suggestion if it’s a boy: Damien. Those of you who are into horror movies will get that reference. The rest of you can Google it.


GOP Supreme Court WTF?!

Ted Cruz: Democrats Only Hate Clarence Thomas Because ‘He’s A Black Man’

If you thought you’d heard all of the absurd defenses that can possibly be offered up in the vain attempt to suggest that Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas didn’t do anything unethical when he accepted free trips worth tens of thousands of dollars from a Republican megadonor, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) suggested today that it’s all due to racism on the part of Democrats.

Appearing on “Sunday Futures” with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Cruz had this to say:

“We know what Justice Thomas did wrong. He’s been one of the greatest Supreme Court justices ever to serve on the court. He has been a principal constitutionalist,and the left despises him; Democrats hate Justice Thomas, and they have the special degree of hate for him because he’s a Black man.”

“And their view is that African-American is not allowed to be a conservative is not allowed to disagree with left-wing orthodoxy,” he added.

According to Cruz, some of the liberals on the high court had also accepted trips, but he conveniently neglected to mention any names, probably because he was lying.

“They’re not looking at any of the Democrat justice. They’re not looking at any other judges. This is a political smear job directed at Clarence Thomas because he is an extraordinary constitutionalist.”

Ted Cruz wants us to believe that questioning the ethics of a justice on the Supreme Court is racist. So if the question was about Amy Coney Barrett, would that mean it was sexism? Interesting to see how quickly Republicans play the race card when they have no actual defense for one of their right-wing heroes.

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

WTF?! Trump Bizarrely Claims Special Counsel Jack Smith Stole The 2020 Election

While he loves to make fun of any verbal misstatement that President Joe Biden makes, failed one-term former president Donald Trump made the mistake of the year with statements he made today about the ongoing investigation being conducted by Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Mediaite reports that Trump said in a video he posted on his failing Truth Social site that Smith attempted to rig the 2020 election against him because he’s leading in the polls. Smith was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland in November of last year.

The video begins with Trump attacking Biden.

“He has been totally uncooperative, won’t show the documents under any circumstances, and is fighting like hell. I very simply went by the Presidential Records Act. Very importantly, it was designed and written for this purpose have a right to declassify and did absolutely nothing wrong, but was purposely given by the DOJ and Biden a Trump hating prosecutor, Jack Smith.”

Then the disgraced ex-president goes after Smith.

“He’s a Trump hater. His wife said Trump paid her. His family is a Trump hater. They all hate Trump. They hate him with a passion. They’ll do anything they can to hurt Trump. But he’s a harasser and an abuser of our people in order to obstruct and interfere with the 2020 presidential election.”

From there comes Trump’s suggestion Smith is actually trying to sabotage his chances in 2024.

“That’s why they’re doing it. We’re leading by a lot in the polls. If I weren’t, I believe it would all stop where if I weren’t running, I believe it would all stop immediately. But that’s not going to happen. The public will not stand for this unequal treatment. Joe Biden is guilty. I am not at all. Thank you very much.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time Trump has made laughable verbal gaffes, as seen in this video from Newsweek:

It certainly appears that all the pressure on Donnie is taking a toll on his already diseased mind.

Climate Change GOP U.S. Senate WTF?!

Ron Johnson: The US Doesn’t Have To Worry About Climate Change Because It’s ‘Not Like Africa’

When he’s not busy visiting Russia, making excuses for Vladimir Putin, or suggesting that Russia’s interference in the 2016 election was not a major threat to American democracy, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) also likes to pretend he’s an expert on matters of science.

Such was the case today during a Senate Budget Committee hearing on climate change at which economist Michael Greenstone testified on the health effects of increased global temperatures.

After Greenstone made his remarks, Johnson picked up one of the maps showing the increase in temperatures across the globe and remarked, “I actually found that chart of yours somewhat comforting for at least America. When you take a look at the mortality — which, these are all, again, projections. I don’t — I don’t put any stock in them at all…”

The senator then added:

“But by your own projections throughout the United States because of climate change, we’re actually going to have a reduced risk of mortality in the United States – and, um, wouldn’t that really tie in with what the study Lancet in 2021 said we suffer about 600,000 deaths due to heat every year but 4.5 million deaths because of cold? So, in terms of excess deaths, a warming globe is actually beneficial. In my own state, your study shows that we’d have a reduction in mortality of somewhere between 54 and 56 people per, I guess it’s a hundred thousand. Why wouldn’t we take comfort in that?”

Greenstone explained, “But if you look more carefully at that, there are large swaths of the country where the damages will be much larger and I —”

Johnson cut the witness off and commented, “But again, if you want to balance it out globally, if you’re trying to mitigate harm globally, isn’t it true that the number of deaths according to this Lancet study caused by heat are 600,000 per year and deaths caused by cold are 4.5 million annually. So the fact – in terms of world health, in terms of excess death, we’re actually in a better position by having the climate increase in temperature a little bit, right?”

A few minutes later, Johnson rattled off this: “According to your study, you’re very concerned if you’re in the really hot region of Africa, but in terms of the United States and most of Europe, we’re in pretty good shape. We’re all blue. We have reduced risk of death.”

To hell with those folks in Africa! At least we’re in good shape here in the U-S of A, huh, Ron?

Watch the video:

Abortion GOP WTF?!

Lindsey Graham Has A Full-Scale Hissy Fit After CNN Host Fact-Checks Him On Abortion Laws

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham had pitched a massive hissy fit during an appearance on CNN Sunday morning when host Dana Bash dared to fact-check him on the issue of abortion and the laws regarding the procedure.

Appearing on “State of the Union,” Graham was discussing the usage of the Comstock Act to possibly ban the abortion drug mifepristone, which led Bash to ask if the senator agreed with Donald Trump that such matters should be decided by the states or if he thought former Vice President Mike Pence was right to suggest that abortion should be banned at the federal level.

Rather than respond, Graham threw mud, incorrectly suggesting the Democrats are in favor of “barbaric” abortions up until the very moment of birth, which led Bash to note, “Just for the record, Roe went up to viability.”

Graham got red in the face and raised his voice as he stated, “No! No! No! Quit covering for these guys! No, no, no! You’re media, you keep covering for these guys! They introduced legislation that allowed abortion on demand with taxpayer-funded [abortion] up to the moment of birth. That was their position in Washington! That’s the law they want to pass, and nobody in your business will talk about it!”

Bash retorted, “Senator. I’m not covering for anybody. You know that, and when I have Democrats on, I’ve asked many — all of them — about their position on where they believe this issue should be.”

“My question for you, sir, is about President Trump, who you’ve endorsed to be president again. Is he right in saying that this issue should be a state’s issue?”

Instead of replying to the question, Graham could only manage that was certain Trump iss opposed to later-term abortion, which had nothing to do with Bash’s question.

Here’s a suggesting for Sen. Graham: Since you can’t possibly have an abortion or give birth to anything but exaggeration and lies, let women and their doctors decide. The government has no role in family planning decisions.

Here’s the video: