Donald Trump Elections Elon Musk GOP Religion

Evangelical Republican Whines: Trump Has Tossed Us ‘Under The Bus’ For Elon Musk

Now that he has Twitter/Tesla CEO Elon Musk as his sugar daddy, Donald Trump is turning his back on many of the core voting blocs that helped him get elected in both 2016 and 2024.

For example, evangelical Christians aren’t exactly happy that Trump has embraced Musk and other controversial figures according to David Siders of Politico, who has been traveling the United States since the November election and talking to Americans about what they expect during the next four years.

One of the people Siders sat down with was Republican Party leader Timothy Bachleitner of Wisconsin.

“He’s gained so much support from different groups of people he no longer needs the conservative Christians to do what he needs to do, so they’ve been thrown under the bus,” he worried.

Consider some of the people Trump is now making part of his inner circle, Bachleitner added.

“He’s got the RFK, and he’s got the Tulsi Gabbard and Elon Musk and Joe Rogan — and that whole kind of independent individual has become full steam to allow him to say I no longer need to cater to a big part of my base, and I happen to be in that portion. So that breaks my heart.”

Many evangelicals have also expressed disappointment with Trump’s refusal to back a national abortion ban, which he said he would not seek in a second term, suggesting such matters should be left to the states.

Trump has also reversed his position on H1-B work visas, which he once said needed to be restricted.

The work visa issue has come back to the forefront of discussion after Musk called for an increase in the number of work visas for foreign engineers, a move that would greatly benefit high-tech companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and other internet startups.

Shortly after Musk made his statements on the H1-B issue, Trump said he agreed, telling reporters, “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program.”

Guess the evangelicals need to pray that Musk will board one of his rockets and get lost somewhere in outer space. That’s about the only way they’ll ever have any influence in the GOP as long as Trump (and Musk) are leading the Republican Party.

Donald Trump Elections Religion WTF?!

Trump Is Charging Supporters $100K To Attend A Church Service With Him

Just 24 hours before he’s to be inaugurated as the 47th president of the United States, known grifter and serial sexual predator Donald Trump will attend a church service in Washington, DC.

However, if you think Trump will be attending church because of some newfound spirituality, think again, because he’s charging his supporters $100,000 for the honor of being in his presence while God looks down and likely frowns.

According to Religion News Service, “But those who want to join need to weigh the price of prayer: Tickets to the service will be awarded only to those who donate at least $100,000 to Trump’s inaugural ceremonies, or who raise $200,000.”

Earlier this month, Axios cited a seven-page prospectus that listed the service alongside several other donor-only events, such as a ‘cabinet reception’ with Trump’s nominees and ‘candlelight dinner’ with Trump and Melania.

In other words, it seems Donnie is now a high priest in the Church of Grift.

The location for the church event had originally been planned at St. Joseph’s, a historic Catholic Church on Capitol Hill, but the priest at St. Joseph’s, Rev. William H. Gurnee, made it clear he hadn’t granted permission.

“While I was asked to host the event, I informed the organizer that I needed more information and it was mistakenly reported that final permission was granted,” Gurnee noted in an email.

Gurnee added, “It is my feeling that this event would be better hosted at another location.”

This isn’t the first time Trump has pretended to be a spiritual person.

At Trump’s 2017 inauguration, Donald attended a service at St. John’s Episcopal Church, the same location where he sent law enforcement to forcibly remove Black Lives Matter protesters.

The Church of Trump has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Their motto can be, Let us fleece.

Religion Right Wing Morons Uncategorized WTF?!

Right-Wingers Pitch A Hissy Fit Over ‘Satanic’ Opening Ceremony At Olympics

Right-wingers and conservative Christians say they were deeply offended by Friday evening’s opening ceremony at the 2024 Olympics, which they claim was an insult to their religious beliefs.

According to The Daily Mail, a so-called drag parody of the Biblical Last Supper drew the dire of many on the right.

But others were less impressed, accusing organisers of creating a ‘woke’ parody of the Last Supper – a painting by Leonardo da Vinci depicting Jesus’ last meal with his disciples.

Tesla and SpaceX owner Elon Musk, who has come under criticism for his conservative beliefs, including towards his own daughter, wrote on X – formerly Twitter – claimed the performance was ‘extremely disrespectful to Christians’.

He added: ‘Christianity has become toothless.’

Others then began piling on, accusing the Olympic Organizing Committee of being part of a Satanic conspiracy trying to destroy Christianity.

Here’s some free advice for the right-wing morons who are offended by what they saw Friday evening: Turn the channel and shut the hell up!


Donald Trump Religion Viral Video WTF?!

Trump Supporter Says It’s OK Trump Cheated On His Wives: ‘Even Jesus Dated A Hooker’

If you thought you’d heard all of the absurd excuses and rationalizations Trump supporters can make for the bad behavior of their political lord and savior, you may want to go ahead and grab ahold of your socks, because what you’re about to read could well blow them right off your feet.

BoingBoing notes that Davram Stiefler of the Good Liars interviewed a MAGA member who was easily identified by the T-shirt he was wearing. The shirt depicted “Trump as the Terminator with the ‘I’ll be back’ catchphrase.”

But that’s nowhere near the most bizarre thing that took place during said interview, because the Trump fan suggested the Donald’s many affairs are simply irrelevant if you study the Bible and see who Jesus “dated.”

MAGA man: If you look at the history of Jesus, it was hundreds of years later before he was recognized, and that’s probably the same thing that’s going to happen to Donald Trump.

Stiefler: When you see him, the presence that he has in the room, the way he kind of commands the crowd and the way that he’s…

MAGA man: I think that he’s been picked by God, yes.

Stiefler: He wears lifts on his shoes, he wears a lot of make up. He wears a girdle to hold in his belly. Is that something God would do?

MAGA man: First off, if you knew anything about the apostles, they were pretty much all trash. They all had their bad qualities, and even Jesus was dating a hooker.

Actually, Jesus was not dating a hooker. The MAGA man seems to be referencing Mary Magdalene, who may have been a prostitute and was a follower of Christ. But nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were dating or involved in any manner whatsoever.

Of course, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a Trump supporter doesn’t know what the Bible says. After all, most of them are fake Christians who proclaim their faith but don’t know the first thing about what’s actually in the Bible. If they did, they damn sure wouldn’t be so bigoted towards people of color, immigrants, and women.

The MAGA man in the video got plenty of reaction on Twitter.

Donald Trump Elections Religion Viral Video

Must-See Video: Trump Tries To Say The Lord’s Prayer And Fails Miserably

While he repeatedly claims to be a defender of the Christian faith in the United States, failed one-term former president Donald Trump also fails to prove that he understands even of the most basic tenets of Christianity.

Remember when he was asked in 2015 to name his favorite Bible verse, Trump was unable to, saying there were “so many” and he couldn’t choose just one.

Just last week, Trump began hawking a “God Bless the USA Bible.” Did he do it out of the goodness of his heart? No. Instead, he made sure that he receives some of the profits from each $59.95 copy sold, a dead giveaway that he doesn’t understand what Jesus meant when he said you cannot serve God and mammon.

And now we have video proof that Donald doesn’t know the words to one of the most basic portions of the Christian prayer liturgy, the Lord’s Prayer, which most 5th graders can easily recite.

“Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.”

A video of Trump shot over the Easter weekend provides evidence that he has no clue what the words are in the Lord’s Prayer, and the clip soon went viral on social media. Take a look:

Trump’s MAGA supporters would likely tell you their hero was just having a bad day, or couldn’t hear the prayer and was therefore unable to follow along.

But it turns out this isn’t the first time Donnie has flubbed the prayer, as Ron Filipkowski noted on Twitter.

Social media didn’t hold back after seeing the videos of the prayer-challenged, one-term ex-president.