Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Doug Emhoff Claps Back At Trump For His Hateful Attack On Kamala Harris

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff is sick and tired of convicted felon and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s verbal barbs aimed at his wife, Vice President Kamala Harris, and he’s clapping back hard at the disgraced ex-president.

Specifically, Trump has been calling Harris “Lyin’ Kamala,” and said she’s “dumb as a rock.” He has also slammed her as as “totally failed and insignificant vice president.”

That led Emhoff to take off the gloves, telling reporters, “That’s all he’s got?”

“You heard the vice president yesterday making the case against Donald Trump very clearly,” Emhoff added, pointing to a speech she made at her Wilmington, Delaware, campaign headquarters Monday. “Laid out the case, directly and in a compelling fashion. But she also laid out a vision for the future, a vision where there’s freedom, where we’re not having to talk about these issues of today in this post-Dobbs hellscape that Donald Trump created.”

Emhoff also made it clear that his wife will win decisively over Trump when the votes are counted in November.

“She’s talking about an America that we all have a place in. … She’s gonna unite the country. She’s gonna earn this nomination. You see that happening and she’s gonna win this election.”

Donald Trump is terrified of Kamala Harris. It’s just that simple. And he damn well should be, because he knows she’s more than capable of making him look like the biggest crook to ever seek elected office. He’s a fraud and liar who gets his kicks by sexually assaulting women.

Be afraid, Donnie. Be very afraid.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Trump Is ‘Terrified’ Kamala Harris Will Focus On His Biggest Political Liability

Disgraced former president Donald Trump is absolutely terrified of facing Kamala Harris as his opponent in the November election, but it’s not because she’s a strong black woman, according to Amanda Marcotte of Salon.

Instead, Trump knows that as a former prosecutor, Harris can hone in on his biggest political liability: His history of sexually assaulting women.

“Trump enjoys committing pretty much every type of crime, from siccing a murderous mob after his former vice president to epic levels of business fraud, so there’s a cornucopia of options for Harris to choose from,” Marcotte explains. “But a Harris ad from the 2020 campaign went viral online for one simple reason: It forefronts his long history of sexually assaulting women.”

The ad in question contained this tagline: “She prosecuted sex predators; he is one.” And that was similar to something Harris said Monday during a campaign appearance in Delaware.

“I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. Hear me when I say: I know Donald Trump’s type.”

Harris is also likely to remind voters of the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape in which he bragged about how he likes to kiss women against their will and “grab ’em by the pussy.”

“It’s not just Trump anymore. The entire GOP has leaned hard into toxic masculinity and often overt misogyny. The Republican National Convention was a grotesque display of both. The convention stage was a traffic jam of men who had been violent towards women or made excuses for violence starting with the nominee himself. Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White, who praised Trump as being a master of the ‘tough guy business,’ had previously been filmed slapping his wife,” Marcotte notes.

Ironically, Trump has played up how he treats women as a way to solidify his support among male voters, Marcotte continues.

“Having a candidate who can talk about this without squirming or tripping over words is especially important in a race where abortion is a central issue. Ten states have passed abortion bans that have no exceptions for rape victims. The news is still peppered with stories of underage rape victims being forced to travel out of state or worse, give birth to a rapist’s child. The Republican vice presidential nominee wants a national standard of forced childbirth for rape victims. Having a candidate who can speak about the horrors of this in an experienced and concise manner may matter a lot.”

As a former sex crimes prosecutor, Harris is uniquely qualified to hit the convicted felon ex-president where it will hurt him the most and drive down his numbers among women and young voters, Marcotte concludes.

“(Harris) “may be in a better position to push this issue than any other potential Democratic nominee could have been.”

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Social Media

Trump’s Social Media Feed Suggests He’s ‘Shi**ing His Pants’ Over Facing Kamala Harris

Based on what he’s been posting on social media since President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor, disgraced former president Donald Trump sounds incredibly worried that he’s about to lose in November.

Trump began posting on his Truth Social site Sunday after Biden made his announcement. He sounded angry and worried.

He was back at it this morning.

Reaction to Trump’s postings was cutting and hilarious.


Elections GOP Kamala Harris

Nicolle Wallace: Kamala Harris Will ‘Wipe The Floor’ With J.D. Vance If They Debate

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace says she’s hoping a debate will take place between Vice President Kamala Harris and Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), who was named as failed president Donald Trump’s running mate on Monday.

Speaking with political analyst Basil Smikle, Wallace was surprised when he said while some Democrats are calling for President Joe Biden to step down, not many of them are not suggesting Harris should replace him, “And I wonder why? Because in many ways —” Smikle said.

Wallace interrupted him to note, “Who did that?”

“I think most of the people who came out to say Joe Biden should step down did not come right out and say Kamala Harris should be next,” Smikle replied.

“Kamala Harris should be next!” Wallace insisted. “If anyone thinks Joe Biden — as someone who’s covered her, if anyone has watched — I’ve watched all of her speeches for the last two weeks. I thought she was fantastic four years ago. Anyone that hasn’t — I hope that J.D. Vance today challenges Kamala Harris to some debates because she would wipe the floor with him!”

“The reality is, and I said this, that I don’t know if my party knows even how to defend her when the attacks come,” Smikle added. “And they will come.”

Wallace was having none of it.

“Have them call me,” she exclaimed. “Because — let me just say this. I have only covered her — and this is where — you watched her dismantle Bill Barr. How many people can say — you put your list of accomplishments together and if you can put on it ‘destroyed Bill Barr,’ ‘made fun of Mike Pence and the fly on his head without saying a word,’ and have ‘hit the campaign trail with enough vigor to carry the whole ticket for the last 16 weeks.’ She’s ready.”

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris The Biden Administration

Former Trump Administration Official Says Donald Is ‘Afraid’ Of Kamala Harris

A former White House official says convicted felon Donald Trump is hoping and praying that President Joe Biden doesn’t drop out of the 2024 presidential race, because the prospect of having to face Vice President Kamala Harris as his opponent terrifies him.

Alyssa Farah Griffin served as White House communications director, and she told her co-hosts on “The View” that Trump is indeed afraid of Harris.

Griffin made her comments in response to Sunny Hostin, who remarked, “One more thing that I will say is that Republicans are clearly scared about Kamala Harris.”

“There’s a reason Donald Trump isn’t out there shouting about the debate. He knows that Joe Biden will lose to him. He is afraid of Vice President Harris,” Griffin explained.

That led co-host Whoopi Goldberg to note, “It doesn’t matter what we say should be happening. It’s going to come down to one or the other. It’s that simple, and it is not up to us. It is not up to the media. It is up to you all. You know, as I keep saying, do you want the guy whose teeth fall out when he talks and maybe his hair isn’t on as secure, or do you want the guy who’s going to take your family, whatever your background is, and send them to another country because he doesn’t like who you are? That’s what it comes down to. So, you know, it’s in our hands.”

The numbers couldn’t be clearer, as we learned in the 2020 election: When Democrats vote, Democrats win. We outnumber the GOP and we can keep them from inflicting their horrific agenda (i.e. Project 2025) on this country if we get out and vote like our lives depend on it. Because they do.