Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

GOP Pollster: Harris Has A ‘Tremendous Advantage’ Over Trump That Could Propel Her To Victory

Is failed one-term former president Donald Trump so inept as a campaigner that he could be on the verge of handing the election to Vice President Kamala Harris?

That’s the contention of GOP pollster Frank Luntz, who noted during an appearance on MSNBC that Harris has a “tremendous advantage” over the disgraced ex-president that could propel her to victory in November.

Referencing a focus group of voters he had recently spoken with, Luntz said, “On these personality traits, Harris has a tremendous advantage over Trump and there are people who had voted for Trump in 2020 that will not vote for him again because they’re tired of his rude and abusive behavior.”

“He is literally losing this election and I’m starting to wonder, does he want to lose? Is this something that’s going on inside his head simply because he doesn’t want to be president for four more years because no sane person would campaign the way Donald Trump is campaigning,” Luntz added.

Voters are fed up with Trump’s “abuse” and his abrasive personality, Luntz continued.

With the Democratic National Convention beginning next week, Luntz predicted, Harris will get yet another positive bump in the polls and is already experiencing a “convention bounce before the convention.”

While polls aren’t always right (remember how Hillary Clinton was supposed to win in 2016, or how Trump was likely to win a second term in 2020?) the trend lines are all pointing toward a significant victory for Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz. But we still have to vote and make our voices heard. Then maybe we can be rid of Donald Trump once and for all.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Trump Goes Full Racist With Meme Suggesting US Will Become The ‘Third World’ If Kamala Harris Wins

Now that he’s officially back on Twitter/X and posting for the first time in over a year, failed convicted felon and former president Donald Trump thought he and his campaign would go full racist with their latest attack on Vice President Kamala Harris, sharing a meme that suggests a Harris presidency would result in the United States becoming a Third World nation overrun with immigrants and black people.

Here’s the meme that the Trump War Room account posted Tuesday morning:

The meme comes a day after Trump was interviewed by Twitter CEO Elon Musk and spewed bigoted right-wing dogma, remarking, “These are rough people. These are criminals that make our criminals look like nice people. And it’s horrible what they’re doing.”

What’s horrible is that the disgraced ex-president is digging deep into his old bag of bigotry in a desperate attempt to thwart the rising poll numbers Harris is experiencing.

According to several polling firms, Harris now leads or is tied with Trump in many key battleground states that will likely decide the election: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. There is even talk of Harris pulling off a major upset and carrying Florida, which just so happens to be where the Donald now lives. A Democrat hasn’t carried the Sunshine State since 2012, when Barack Obama won reelection to a second term in the White House.

So it should come as no surprise that Trump is pushing the race card, attempting to use fear and ignorance to rile up his shrinking base of support among the U.S. electorate. It’s one of his favorite tactics when he needs to regain the advantage.

But based on the negative reaction the Trump camp got in response to the “third world” meme, it appears most Americans are sick and tired of his hatred and blatant racism.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Melania Trump WTF?!

Trump Accused Of Having ‘Mommy Issues’ After He Says Kamala Harris Looks ‘Very Much Like’ Melania

In one of the strangest moments of an already surreal Monday evening interview with Twitter CEO Elon Musk, convicted felon/2024 presidential nominee Donald Trump went in a disturbing direction when he suggested that his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, looks “very much” like his current wife, Melania.

According to the Daily Beast, “After saying it was hard for him to imagine Harris meeting with China’s leader Xi Jinping–and Musk agreeing that it would be “silly” – Trump changed tack, saying he saw the TIME magazine cover of his opponent.

“I saw a picture of her on TIME Magazine today. She looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live,” he told Musk. “She looked very much like our great first lady, Melania.”

What?! Kamala Harris looks like Melania, whose facial skin is so tight from possible plastic surgery that it could be used as a drumhead? About the only similarity the two women share is that they both have dark hair.

Trump’s absurd comment led to plenty of cringing and mockery.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Republican Pollster Says ‘Negative And Hostile’ Trump Is Handing The Election To Harris: ‘His Head Is Exploding’

Even though Election Day remains almost three months away, a noted Republican pollster is warning that failed one-term former president Donald Trump is on the verge of handing the 2024 race for the White House to Vice President Kamala Harris with his relentless hostility and negativity.

GOP polling guru Frank Luntz was a guest on CNN, and the host asked him about the rallies being conducted by Harris.

“Is it fair to say, Frank, in your opinion, that this enthusiasm that we’ve seen anecdotally and in the crowds and donations is translating into actual support?”

Luntz replied, “It’s more than fair. It’s accurate that the change over the last 17 days has been significant. It’s meaningful and measurable, and it’s being led by younger women who had opted out of this campaign.”

“Paycheck-to-paycheck voters,” Luntz added, often “see in her campaign someone they can relate to.”

Since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, Luntz noted, Trump hasn’t been the same.

“He’s been very negative and very hostile and clearly he’s the kind of lost his balance. He absolutely emerged from the convention with a clear and convincing lead but what has happened, he stopped talking about immigration. He stopped talking about inflation. And instead he has been so personal with his attacks that voters are starting to recoil.”

The upcoming Democratic National Convention will give Harris yet another polling bump, Luntz predicted.

“People like her more than they like him,” he added. “If he’s watching this right now, his head is exploding and that’s part of the problem.”

If Harris continues to build on the polling lead she’s built over the past couple of weeks, Trump is in very big trouble, and all of the major battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania — will be locked down by Democrats when Labor Day rolls around next month.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Social Media

Harris Claps Back At Trump’s Fake Crowd Claim With Stinging Online Rebuttal

On Sunday, convicted felon and former president Donald Trump made an online posting in which he suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris was faking the crowds who show up for her rallies in key battleground states by using artificial intelligence software to manipulate the images.

According to CNN, Trump had a full-scale social media meltdown.

Donald Trump
 falsely claimed in a series of social media posts Sunday that “nobody” attended Vice President Kamala Harris’ Michigan rally last week — and said his Democratic rival should be “disqualified” over a “fake crowd picture.”

The former president appeared to have fallen for a far-right conspiracy theory — one easily disproved by photos and videos captured by attendees and media showing thousands of supporters at the event at an airport hangar near Detroit.

Trump included this image with his screed:

Within minutes of Trump’s lie, the Harris campaign responded, and they pulled no punches.

1) This is an actual photo of a 15,000-person crowd for Harris-Walz in Michigan

2) Trump has still not campaigned in a swing state in over a week… Low energy?

Others also heaped mockery and scorn on the Donald.

At this rate, we can probably expect Donald to soon claim that the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago was actually held at an abandoned parking lot in Poughkeepsie and featured Lego creations as stand-ins for the attendees.

The crazy never ends with Trump.