Elections GOP

Womp Womp! JD Vance Humiliated By Sparse Turnout At Michigan Campaign Rally

If enthusiasm and interest from voters are keys to successful political campaigns, then disgraced former president Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) are absolutely screwed.

For weeks now, Trump has been suggesting that Vice President Kamala Harris could never draw crowds as big as his, and yet she’s been doing exactly that (and then some) with her barnstorming political rallies in several key battleground states, suggesting that all the momentum is on the side of Democrats with less than three months until Election Day.

In contrast, the convicted felon ex-head of state has been largely secluded at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida while Vance has been doing most of the actual campaigning on behalf of the GOP ticket.

On Wednesday, Vance held a rally in Michigan, and based on the sparse crowd that showed up to hear him speak, Republicans should probably go ahead and start working on their concessions speeches, because they’re going to be needed soon after the polls close on November 5.

Multiple reporters who covered the Vance event said the number of audience members was sparse, to say the least, with dozens of empty seats and almost no applause from those who were in attendance.

Tech correspondent Chris O’Brien noted, “If I’m being generous, that looks like 10 rows of 10 seats across on each side. So about a total of 200 people potentially?”

Others also shared photos showing just how few people were there to see Vance speak, with Meryl Kornfield of the Washington Post trying to put a happy face on the photos that were circulated on social media.

Others who saw the photos were spectacularly unimpressed.

And then the internet took over, heaping mockery onto Vance and his pathetic excuse of a rally crowd.

Enthusiasm and interest are lacking when it comes to the Trump-Vance ticket. At this rate, they’ll be able to hold their upcoming rallies in a one-car garage with room left over for refreshments.


education Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Washed-Up Actor Kirk Cameron: Public Schools Turn Kids Into ‘Atheists, Drag Queens, And Strippers’

You probably remember washed-up actor and right-wing blowhard Kirk Cameron from the TV series “Growing Pains,” which was the last time he had a steady gig.

Since leaving television, Cameron has become an evangelist, starred in a string of pathetic B-movies, and is also a fanatical advocate for home-schooling.

Why should parents teach their children from home? According to Cameron, it’s because letting them attend public schools will result in them becoming “atheists, drag queens, and strippers.

Cameron made that ludicrous assertion to podcaster Elizabeth Johnston, telling her that kids should never be exposed to curriculum and teachers who aren’t far-right extremists and Christian wackjobs like him.

“If we outsource our parenting because it’s easier or we believe the lie that we’re not qualified experts to educate our kids so we have to subcontract our parenting and discipleship out to the government, we’re gonna have little kids that come back as little Marxists, little statists, little atheists, drag queens, strippers, drug dealers, and you name it.”

Wow! That’s one hell of a list, isn’t it? Seeing as how I’m a proud graduate of public schools, I was shocked to learn that I’m also a communist who dresses in women’s clothes, earns extra cash on the side by stripping, and also finds time in my busy day to sell drugs. All of this so I can support my family and wreak mayhem on my otherwise peaceful neighborhood in the hope of bringing honor to Lucifer.

Is it any wonder that Kirk can’t get a decent gig in Hollywood? He probably couldn’t get a job at McDonald’s even if a blood relative was the manager.

Fortunately, Cameron’s ridiculous bullshit rant was countered with some heavy internet karma.

Here’s a suggestion for Kirk Cameron: You teach your kids the way you want and stay the hell out of my business. Deal?

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Trump Goes Full Racist With Meme Suggesting US Will Become The ‘Third World’ If Kamala Harris Wins

Now that he’s officially back on Twitter/X and posting for the first time in over a year, failed convicted felon and former president Donald Trump thought he and his campaign would go full racist with their latest attack on Vice President Kamala Harris, sharing a meme that suggests a Harris presidency would result in the United States becoming a Third World nation overrun with immigrants and black people.

Here’s the meme that the Trump War Room account posted Tuesday morning:

The meme comes a day after Trump was interviewed by Twitter CEO Elon Musk and spewed bigoted right-wing dogma, remarking, “These are rough people. These are criminals that make our criminals look like nice people. And it’s horrible what they’re doing.”

What’s horrible is that the disgraced ex-president is digging deep into his old bag of bigotry in a desperate attempt to thwart the rising poll numbers Harris is experiencing.

According to several polling firms, Harris now leads or is tied with Trump in many key battleground states that will likely decide the election: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. There is even talk of Harris pulling off a major upset and carrying Florida, which just so happens to be where the Donald now lives. A Democrat hasn’t carried the Sunshine State since 2012, when Barack Obama won reelection to a second term in the White House.

So it should come as no surprise that Trump is pushing the race card, attempting to use fear and ignorance to rile up his shrinking base of support among the U.S. electorate. It’s one of his favorite tactics when he needs to regain the advantage.

But based on the negative reaction the Trump camp got in response to the “third world” meme, it appears most Americans are sick and tired of his hatred and blatant racism.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Melania Trump WTF?!

Trump Accused Of Having ‘Mommy Issues’ After He Says Kamala Harris Looks ‘Very Much Like’ Melania

In one of the strangest moments of an already surreal Monday evening interview with Twitter CEO Elon Musk, convicted felon/2024 presidential nominee Donald Trump went in a disturbing direction when he suggested that his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, looks “very much” like his current wife, Melania.

According to the Daily Beast, “After saying it was hard for him to imagine Harris meeting with China’s leader Xi Jinping–and Musk agreeing that it would be “silly” – Trump changed tack, saying he saw the TIME magazine cover of his opponent.

“I saw a picture of her on TIME Magazine today. She looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live,” he told Musk. “She looked very much like our great first lady, Melania.”

What?! Kamala Harris looks like Melania, whose facial skin is so tight from possible plastic surgery that it could be used as a drumhead? About the only similarity the two women share is that they both have dark hair.

Trump’s absurd comment led to plenty of cringing and mockery.

Donald Trump Elections Elon Musk Social Media

Heavily Slurring Trump Gets Dubbed ‘Sylvester The Cat’ After Disastrous Interview With Elon Musk

In what may wind up being seen as the worst mistake ever made by a presidential candidate, failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump sat down Monday evening for a two-hour “interview” with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. But Trump would have done better if he’d stayed home and arranged his sock drawer.

The online discussion began with a series of technical glitches that delayed the program for nearly an hour, which should have served as a bad omen for Trump, who nevertheless agreed to stay and have an often rambling and incomprehensible chat with Musk, HuffPost notes.

Former President Donald Trump went on a two-hour tear of lies, exaggerations and fearmongering in a conversation Monday with billionaire Elon Musk on the X social media platform.

The chat between the two men, one the Republican nominee for president and the other the world’s richest man, is Trump’s latest effort to appeal to voters as Vice President Kamala Harris has continued to gain ground in the early days of her Democratic presidential bid. Musk, who has endorsed Trump, said the event was meant to let people “get a feel” for what the former president is like when he’s having a casual conversation.

What immediately caught the attention of many who listened to the interview was how often Trump slurred his words and repeatedly dropped the “s” at the end of words.

As a result of Trump’s trouble with speaking, many on social media couldn’t resist mocking the disgraced ex-president, with some even suggesting he sounded like the cartoon character Sylvester the Cat, who was always on the hunt for Tweety Bird.