Donald Trump Elections Trump Supporters WTF?!

WATCH A Trump Supporter Swoon: Donald Is ‘So Doggone Close’ To Jesus

While it’s been obvious for years now that those who support failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump aren’t exactly fond of facts and truth, one of his acolytes suggested that the disgraced ex-head of state is “so doggone close” to Jesus.

CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan was speaking with some of Trump’s evangelical Christian supporters and asked Grace Riedinger, “Is [Jesus] on the ballot?”

Riedinger happily replied, “He’s not on the ballot, but Trump is so doggone close.”

 O’Sullivan then asked another Trumper, Sharon Manders, “Do you think, is America a Christian country? Founded as a Christian country?”

“I believe that — growing up I did,” Manders responded. “Yes, founded as a Christian country.”

O’Sullivan: “But obviously in the Constitution, there is that separation of church and state?”

“Well yes, but then there’s also, uh, always — when I went to public school, we were allowed to pray.”

Students can still pray in public schools, as long as faculty members don’t lead the prayers.

“When you say Christianity is under attack in America, you’re talking about in the schools?” O’Sullivan asked.

“Not so much the schools, but just, uh — I just can’t come up with anything right now,” Manders confessed.

Donald Trump is by far the biggest heathen and hypocrite to ever be elected president. He never attends church, cannot name his favorite Bible verse, and has cheated on all three of his wives. Oh, and he has also admitted that he’s sexually attracted to his daughter, Ivanka.

So close to Jesus? To quote the Bible, “Jesus wept.”


Abortion GOP

Rep. Jasmine Crockett Skewers Republican Hypocrites By Mocking Their Love Of Viagra

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) used a Thursday meeting of the House Oversight Committee to mock her Republican colleagues’ fondness for erectile dysfunction drug Viagra and also proved that it’s much more frivolous of a medication than mifepristone, which is used by millions of American women to terminate pregnancy.

According to HuffPost, Crockett was questioning FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf.

Crockett asked … whether the “medical management of a miscarriage” could potentially be a “life-saving usage” before asking him about Viagra.

“Would you consider erectile dysfunction as a life-saving usage for Viagra?” Crockett asked.

“Not life-saving,” Dr. Califf answered.

“Not life-saving? OK. Well, I’m going to tell you that based on my research, that mifepristone actually has life-saving characteristics,” Crockett said.

The congresswoman then added, “Yet Viagra doesn’t, and for those that don’t know, Viagra, from my understanding, is actually nearly 10 times greater than as it relates to the risk of death. Yet, for some reason, it’s not sitting in the court right now.”

Noting that the FDA does exceptional work testing and approving drugs used by millions of Americans, Crockett ended her comments with this verbal salvo:

“After putting it through the wringer for decades, women’s lives have been saved, and as a representative from the area that Roe v. Wade actually initiated, I am appalled because, for whatever reason, some people want us to go back to horse and buggy in this country,”

A case before the United States Supreme Court, FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, may lead to the banning of mifepristone by American women if the justices decide the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t have the power to approve the use of the drug. That ruling is expected by the end of June.

GOP Immigration

WATCH Jamie Raskin Give The GOP A Brutal History Lesson On The Issue Of ‘Illegals’

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) gave his GOP colleagues a much-needed history lesson Wednesday during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee.

According to HuffPost, the hearing was on the Equal Representation Act, a piece of legislation that would mandate a citizenship question on any future U.S. census beginning in 2030.

At one point, Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL) claimed the Founding Fathers “never anticipated” there would be “huge numbers” who weren’t allowed to vote being counted in the census.

That led Raskin to note, “Of course they did. The vast majority of Americans couldn’t vote when the country started.”

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) interjected, “He said the founders never anticipated this volume of illegals. Don’t twist my colleague’s words.”

Raskin then dealt his GOP colleagues a devastating history lesson.

“There was no immigration law when the Constitution was adopted at all. In fact, the only illegals in the country, at least according to the native population, were the people writing the Constitution.”

The Constitution, it should be noted, was also signed by several Founding Fathers who weren’t even born in the United States. Wouldn’t that technically make them “illegals,” too?

Social media users also joined the debate.

Abortion Elections GOP Joe Biden Viral Video

Haunting New Ad From The Biden Campaign Has The GOP Running Scared

Hours after failed one-term former president Donald Trump gave his mealy-mouthed statement regarding his current position on the issue of abortion and restricting the right of a woman to choose, the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign released an ad that quickly went viral online and has Republicans running scared as they desperately try to distance themselves from new anti-choice laws being implemented in states such as Arizona.

NBC News reports the campaign ad deals with a Texas woman who sought to have an abortion and nearly died after she was denied one.

The 60-second ad, which first aired Monday on MSNBC, focuses on Amanda Zurawski, a Texas woman who sued the state after, she said, she almost died from a miscarriage. In the video, Zurawski and her husband, Josh, discuss how they had started buying things for the baby while Amanda was pregnant, including a baby book.

“At 18 weeks, Amanda’s water broke,” the ad’s text said. “She had a miscarriage.”

As the couple continues to recount memories of the pregnancy, text on the screen reads, “Because Donald Trump killed Roe v. Wade, Amanda was denied standard medical care to prevent infection, an abortion.”

But that’s just the beginning of Amanda’s nightmare, as she eventually wound up rushed to intensive care after suffering from sepsis. She nearly died on two separate occasions and may now never be able to have children, all because the state of Texas passed a restrictive anti-abortion law.

The ad ends with this line: “Donald Trump did this.”

Indeed, Trump did play a role in Amanda Zurawski’s ordeal. He appointed three right-wing justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who ruled that states can tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

As you’d expect, Republicans are now trying to distance themselves from the growing political firestorm that has been caused by their draconian laws, the Guardian reported from Arizona, the latest state to decide women have no right to make decisions about their reproductive health.

Republicans in the state took a surprising stance for a party that has historically championed abortion restrictions – they denounced the decision.

Some of the criticisms of the Tuesday ruling came from politicians who had previously supported the 1864 ban or cheered the end of Roe v Wade.

Trump and every Republican who played a role in the anti-abortion movement now have to own the morass they’ve created and pay a political price with voters, the majority of whom say the government doesn’t belong in private decisions made by a woman and her doctor.

Trump and his GOP did this. Never forget that fact.

Donald Trump Elections

Trump Spokesperson Humiliates Herself While Attempting To Insult Joe Biden

Karoline Leavitt is the national press secretary for the Trump 2024 campaign, but based on comments she made Tuesday, it might be wise for her to stay as far away from TV cameras as possible.

During an appearance on right-wing cable network Newsmax, Leavitt said President Joe Biden “can hardly speak.”

Seconds later, however, Leavitt mispronounced an incredibly simple word not once, but twice, according to HuffPost

“The transcript in the Hur report was incredibly damn-en-ing to Joe Biden.”

“It also was extremely damn-en-ing to him politically as it showed what the American people see with their own eyes every single day, and that is Joe Biden can hardly speak.”

While she was at it, Leavitt also called the attorney general “Merricka Garland.”

Twitter users had lots of fun with Leavitt’s humiliating self-own.