Congress GOP

Jim Jordan Mocked For His ‘Hypocritical’ Remarks About Hunter Biden Ignoring A Subpoena

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is furious that Hunter Biden is refusing to comply with a subpoena from his committee for testimony as part of the GOP’s impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

On Wednesday, Jordan posted this on Twitter/X:

That’s pretty rich (not to mention incredibly hypocritical) considering that Jordan himself obstructed Congress by refusing to testify before the House Select Committee that investigated the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The committee subpoenaed Jordan, but he has yet to sit for a sworn deposition.

It didn’t take long before Jordan was relentlessly mocked and reminded of his own history as a scofflaw.



Congress GOP

WATCH Nancy Mace Get Her A*s Handed To Her When She Accuses Hunter Biden Of ‘White Privilege’

Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace (SC) stepped way over the line Wednesday during a House Oversight Committee hearing when she accused Hunter Biden of “white privilege.”

The president’s son showed up as a contempt of Congress citation was about to be voted on, according to NBC News.

Hunter Biden arrived on Capitol Hill on Wednesday morning to attend in person congressional committee meetings called to hold him in contempt of Congress — setting up an unprecedented standoff on live television between the son of the president and House Republicans who have long sought his testimony as part of their impeachment inquiry into his father.

“You are the epitome of white privilege coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a Congressional subpoena to be deposed,” Mace told the president’s son.

That didn’t sit well with fellow committee member Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), who lit into Mace.

“This is something that I just can’t get over. I can’t get over the gentle lady from South Carolina talking about white privilege.”

“It was a spit in the face, at least of mine as a black woman, for you to talk about what white privilege looks like, especially from that side of the aisle.”

Crockett was far from finished excoriating Mace and the GOP.

“When you look at the Democrats, they actually look like America,” she added. “You see, you want to talk about a two-tier justice system, and this is the only time that y’all have ever referenced it, when this country has a history, when it comes to black and brown folk, of having two separate sets of rules.”

Mace tried to defend herself with a half-baked reply of how she had worked to advance civil rights.

“I want to say, number one, as a former ranking member of the Civil Rights Subcommittee under Chairman Raskin last session, I take great pride as a white female Republican to address the inadequacies in our country. I come from a district where rich and poor is literally black and white, black versus white on most days.”

Mace also had this to say: “My largest jail in my district, which is the largest jail in the state of South Carolina, has had seven or eight deaths in the last two years. I was there with our Black and African American council members trying to get the right thing done. And I’ve stood with those Black families because I know the differences that they see day to day in their life. And I try to do the best that I can.”

Sure thing, Nancy. That’s just another version of “Some of my best friends are black,” and no one is buying your bullshit.

WATCH the video:


Donald Trump GOP

WATCH Republicans MELT DOWN When Democrat Shows Photo Of Trump With Jeffrey Epstein

Republican members of the House Oversight Committee had a full-scale nuclear meltdown today when Rep. Jared Moskowitz (R-FL) showed a photo of failed former president Donald Trump with the late sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

The topic of the hearing was Hunter Biden, and in response to sexual trafficking allegations against the president’s son by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Mowkkowitz remarked, “And so, again, because the gentlelady from Georgia I know is such an advocate for women’s rights, as she mentioned, and is so concerned about grooming, and apparently we don’t have any standards here anymore, again, I just want to remind my colleagues, because, you know, I don’t want them to forget about hypocrisy, okay?”

“I don’t want them to forget about hypocrisy, but, you know, Donald Trump was asked about Jeffrey Epstein, and when he was asked, he said, you know, Jeffrey likes them young,” he added.

“How did he know that Jeffrey Epstein likes him young?” Moskowitz asked as he held up a photo of Trump with Epstein.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) interjected to remark, “I’m just curious about the impugning of the former president’s character.”

“He does that himself,” Moskowitz noted. “By the way, please, so you’re making the point that we can disparage Joe Biden, but not Donald Trump?”

After Chairman James Comer (R-KY) allowed Moskowitz to continue, the Democrat added, “But the guy that you all kneel to, okay, associates himself with a pedophile.”

Several Republicans insisted that the comment be stricken from the record.

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) told the chairman, “The man just said that we all kneel. I kneel to Christ. I stand for the flag, and if you’re concerned about prerogative, you should report it, Mr. Ranking Member.”

Moskowitz agreed to say that Republicans “very much support” a man who “associates himself with a pedophile” instead of “kneel to.”

WATCH the video:

Elections GOP Joe Biden

WATCH A GOP Secy. Of State Get His A*s Handed To Him When He Says Joe Biden Committed ‘Insurrection’

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft (R) got a lot more than he bargained for when he tried to suggest that President Joe Biden had engaged in an “insurrection” and should be removed from the ballot in his state.

Ashcroft appeared on CNN Monday to discuss his move to pull Biden from the 2024 ballot in the Show Me State, and he was immediately asked by host Boris Sanchez what exactly was his “justification for removing Joe Biden from the ballot in Missouri.”

“Has he engaged in your mind in some kind of insurrection?” Sanchez inquired.

“Uh, there have been allegations that he’s engaged in insurrection,” Ashcroft claimed.

Sanchez: “How so?”

“No. Please let me finish,” Ashcroft insisted.

But Sanchez wasn’t about to let Ashcroft continue, telling him, “You can’t say something like that and not back it up.”

“I am continuing, but you interrupted me before I could back it up. Are you scared of the truth?” Ashcroft said.

Sanchez: “Oh, I am not terrified of the truth at all. It seems like you might be. Let’s hear what you have to say.”

“What did Joe Biden do in your mind that equates insurrection? What allegations are you talking about?”

“They made allegations and all it took for former President Trump to be taken off the ballot in Colorado and in Maine were allegations. We should not be a country that removes people from the ballot based on allegations. I think you can agree with that,” said Ashcroft.

“I think it depends to a degree,” replied Sanchez.

Ashcroft then claimed that Biden was Sanchez’s “guy.”

“My guy? Joe Biden is not my guy. You don’t know who my guy is. The point is, sir, the point is that it’s not clear whether the 14th Amendment is self-executing or not. In other words, it doesn’t matter to a court at that point whether there was a conviction of Donald Trump for insurrection or not. That is a debate for the Supreme Court to have.”


Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

WATCH: Church Crowd Roars With Approval When Biden Mocks ‘Loser’ Trump

Speaking at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina on Monday, President Joe Biden didn’t pull his verbal punches when it came to the subject of former president Donald Trump, and the crowd at the church roared with approval in response to what he said.

Biden also touched on former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s comments that the “cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run — the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

“So they say they embraced what’s known as the lost cause, a self-serving lie that the Civil War is not about slavery, but about states’ rights,” Biden said. “They’ve called that the noble cause. That was a lie, a lie that had not just a lie, but had terrible consequences. It brought on Jim Crow.”

Then the president pivoted to Trump.

“Time and again they lost in every court of law that challenged the results, 60 losses in courts of America!
“There’s one thing they don’t have. They don’t have respect for the 81 million people who voted the other way, voted for my candidacy! And voted to end the presidency–
“In their world, these Americans, including you, don’t count. But that’s not the real world. That’s not democracy. That’s not America! In America, we all count! In America we witness to serve all those who, in fact, participate. And losers are taught to concede when they lose. And he’s a loser!”

Biden added:

“Then we all came together to put the country before ourselves. The lies that led to January 6th are part of a broader attack on the truth of America today that we all have seen before. The same movement. That’s right. The mob at the United States Capitol isn’t just trying to rewrite history on January 6th. They’re trying to determine to erase history and your future!”

The president also touched on issues that will be central to the upcoming election: Freedom and democracy.

“Banning books, denying your right to vote and have it counted. Destroying diversity. Equality. Inclusion. All across America. Harboring hate and replacing hope with anger and resentment and dangerous view of America. A narrow view of America, a zero-sum view of America that says if you win, I lose. If you succeed, must be I fail. If you get ahead, I fall behind. And maybe worst of all: If I hold you down, I lift myself up.

“That’s not new in America. Every stride forward has often been met with ferocious backlashes. And those who fear the progress, and those who exploit that fear for their own personal gain, and those who traffic and lies told for profit and power.”

President Biden is on a roll, and he’s not about to let American voters forget the sort of dystopian nightmare Donald Trump would plunge this country into if he wins a second term.
