Climate Change GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert Schooled On Global Warming After Her Fact-Free Social Media Posting

As extreme winter weather grips much of the United States, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) thought it was the perfect to remind us that she needed multiple tries to pass the GED exam because her knowledge of meteorology and science is so miniscule that she cannot help but prove her ignorance whenever she tries to make one of snarky fact-free remarks.

On Sunday, Boebert posted this on Twitter/X:

How’s that for ignorance?

As NASA has noted on the subject of climate change and weather, the two are not the same:

Some people say “weather is what you get” and “climate is what you expect.” In a nutshell, “weather” refers to the more local changes in the climate we see around us, on short timescales from minutes to hours to days to weeks. Examples are familiar – rain, snow, clouds, winds, storms, heat waves and floods. “Climate” refers to longer-term averages (they may be regional or global), and can be thought of as the weather averaged over several seasons, years or decades. Climate change is harder for us to get a sense of because the timescales involved are much longer, and the impact of climate changes can be less immediate.

But trying to explain scientific facts to a willfully ignorant dunce like Ms. Boebert is a losing proposition. Despite that, plenty of social media users were only too happy to point out just how thoroughly the Colorado Republican had just owned herself.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media

WATCH: New Video Of Trump In Iowa Has Some Saying He Looks Like A ‘Homeless Man’

Failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump was forced to cancel three of his four planned in-person gatherings in Iowa on Saturday due to blizzard conditions in the Hawkeye State.

However, when the disgraced ex-president finally showed up for the one commit-to caucus rally, he looked like he’d be left out in the snow for a week or two.

For a man who prides himself on his appearance, Donald appeared haggard and tired, as if he’d just gotten over a bout of the flu that turned into double pneumonia.

Yikes! Did he die and someone forgot to bury him? Even Keith Richards would take a look at that video and wonder if Donnie had just been resurrected from the dead. Zombie Trump! Run for your lives!!

As you’d expect, Trump’s disheveled appearance drew more than a few remarks on social media.


Crime Donald Trump

Ex-Prosecutor: Trump Is ‘On The Way To The Big House’ As Soon As A Jury Is Seated

A former Watergate prosecutor said Saturday that once a federal appellate court rules in the weeks ahead that failed former president Donald Trump doesn’t have immunity from his alleged criminal actions while in the White House, the Donald is “on the way to the big house.”

Nick Akerman told MSNBC host Katie Phang, “There is no way a president can achieve absolute immunity in the criminal sphere.”

Asked specifically about the immunity issue currently before three judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Akerman mocked the arguments made by Trump’s legal team.

“This is something that they made up out of whole cloth. It really has no basis in the Constitution, it has no basis in any kind of law that is in effect in this country — it just isn’t there. They made it up and there is no way that this is ever going to be affirmed by the circuit court.”

Does that mean that Trump’s March 4 trial on charges that he tried to overturn the 2020 election is going to be held as planned?

“It’s pretty clear what the law is. What is really at stake here is getting this trial that is scheduled for March 4th back on track, because the minute that Donald Trump is in the dock, the jury a sworn in — he is gone.”

“He’s going to be convicted and be on his way to the big house,” he added. “That is what he is concerned about. His only legal defense here, it’s not on the facts, it’s not on the law, it is on delay.”

Trump’s day before the bar of American justice is long overdue. Let’s hope the courts agree so we can have a trial and verdict before the election in November. Then the voters can make a fully informed decision.


Congress GOP

Hunter Biden Just Beat Comer And Jordan At Their Own Game

When Hunter Biden showed up on Wednesday in response to a congressional subpoena, some House Republicans thought they had just won a major victory over the president’s son and now had the upper hand in their impeachment inquiry.

But it now appears that the actual victor was Hunter Biden himself, and it’s likely that the GOP won’t be able to charge him with contempt of Congress.

According to CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen, Reps. James Comer (R-KY) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) walked right into a carefully constructed trap set by Hunter Biden and his attorney, Abbe Lowell.

Eisen explained on Twitter/X.

Contempt? Not so fast, Eisen continues.

In other words, House Republicans can make all the referrals for contempt to the Justice Department they want, but none of them will be pursued by the DOJ because they clearly didn’t conduct their investigation in a legal fashion, meaning their subpoena has no power and cannot be enforced, no matter what “facts” they present.

So for now, it appears to be game, set, and match for Hunter Biden, who just so happens to have a law degree from Yale and one of the best legal teams in Washington.

Meanwhile, on the GOP side you have Jim Jordan, who never took the bar exam and James Comer, who is financially and legally compromised in all sorts of ways.

Well played, Hunter. Well played indeed.

Crime Donald Trump

Legal Expert Says This Is The Court Case That Has Trump Extremely Worried

Even as he tries to plan for what could be a massive financial fine imposed against him by New York judge Arthur Engoron for inflating the value of properties owned by the Trump Organization, another court case has failed former president Donald Trump “concerned,” according to a legal expert.

Former federal prosecutor Faith Gay was a guest on MSNBC this morning and said Trump is most worried about the defamation case brought by E. Jean Carroll because the judge in the case, Lewis Kaplan, will not allow any antics from the ex-president or his legal team.

“He knows that Judge Kaplan runs the courtroom with a pretty tight set of controls,” she said. “He knows that Judge Kaplan has no problem in speaking back to him or to his lawyers — not that Judge Kaplan is one-sided or the other — but that he is going to ensure that there is a fair trial, that these jurors are not intimidated, that they get a chance to hear the evidence.”

Unlike Trump’s often unhinged behavior at the civil fraud trial brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, Gay predicted Judge Kaplan isn’t going to let Trump get away with the same thing.

“He might make a cameo appearance, but given that Miss Carroll’s trial team has already said that they need some help in controlling Mr. Trump, so there won’t be an outburst, like in the AG’s [civil fraud] case.”

“My sense is that if he shows up, it will be in and out, and he’s not going to get away with what he did in the A.G. case.”