Trump Gets Brutally Mocked After His July 4th ‘Revenge Rally’ Is Canceled

In a desperate attempt to remain relevant and and savor the applause of his fanatical followers, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was planning a July Fourth rally at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile Bay.

But that rally won’t be taking place, according to

“Plans for former President Donald Trump to return July 4th weekend to the city many credited with lending legitimacy to his 2016 campaign after USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park commissioners reportedly did not sign off on a plan for Trump to hold a rally at the Mobile site.”

NBC 15 News went into greater detail about what had led commissioners to tell Trump he wasn’t welcome:

“‘After the request was made, then there was contact with the Republican Party, they contacted us and then it became apparent that it was going to be a partisan political event, rather than just a patriotic event planned for that evening,’ commission chairman Bill Tunnell.

“Tunnell says commissioners sought an opinion from the attorney general’s office in late May. NBC 15 News obtained Attorney General Steve Marshall’s response which stated there was little time for a formal opinion to be rendered but did note the park may be used for political events provided access is ‘available for all political parties and candidates on an equal basis.'”

It goes without saying that Trump would never agree to allow others to have access to the park because he insists on being the center of attention and cannot stand the thought of someone speaking after he does and making fun of his remarks, which are all but guaranteed to be the same bullshit about how the 2020 election was stolen from him (it wasn’t) and vapid promises that he’ll be “reinstated” to the Oval Office as soon as August or whenever the MyPillow clown decides is the new date for that never-gonna-happen event.

Trump gave his grievance speech in Ohio last weekend:

As if the cancellation of Trump’s rally isn’t enough to make you smile, the mockery that followed on Twitter makes it even sweeter:

Maybe Donnie can get a speaking gig at Rikers Island after he’s indicted. He’d certainly have a captive audience.

Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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