Despite campaigning on the promise that he would make the U.S. economy his top priority if elected, Bankrupter-in-Chief Donald Trump is now revealing that his true intent is to focus on everything but that.
Speaking with Fox News host Sean Hannity Wednesday evening, Trump refused to talk about anything but his predecessor, President Joe Biden.
“Let me get to the economy,” Hannity interjected during Trump’s extended anti-Biden rant. “I’m running out of time.”
“I don’t care,” Trump insisted, continuing with his tirade against Biden.
“They’re yelling at me,” Hannity insisted, referring to his producers.
Trump: “This is more important.”
Trying to mollify the Infant-in-Chief, Hannity replied, “I agree.”
All Trump would say about his plans to keep the economy booming the way it has under Biden is, “The economy’s gonna do great.”
And then it was back to his plans for retribution.
“I went through four years of hell by this scum that we had to deal with. I went through four years of hell. I spent millions of dollars on legal fees and I won, but I did it the hard way,” Trump said. “It’s really hard to say that they shouldn’t have to go through it also.”
Trump’s “I don’t care” declaration echoed across social media and drew plenty of commentary.
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