Unhinged MT Greene Rages At Former Twitter Executive – ‘You Violated Me!’ – During House Hearing

Fresh off her hateful heckling of President Joe Biden during Tuesday evening’s State of the Union Address, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) used a hearing of the House Oversight Committee today to vent her spleen, accusing a former Twitter executive of violating her for suspending her account in 2022 when she shared false information about COVID.

Ostensibly, the hearing was to discuss the alleged suppression of a story about Hunter Biden by Twitter, but it soon became clear that Greene wanted to celebrate Festivus early this year and air her grievances at Twitter’s former Global Head of Trust & Safety, Yoel Roth.

“You didn’t shadow ban or permanently ban my Democrat opponent. No, you did that to me. And that was wrong, and it was against the law. It’s not only me that you violated my First Amendment rights; you violated countless conservative Americans.
“Guess what? I’m so glad that you’re censored now, and I’m so glad you’ve lost your job. Thank God Elon Musk bought Twitter.”

If Greene had bothered to actually read and understand the U.S. Constitution and its 27 amendments, she’d know the First Amendment only applies to government suppression of free speech, not to private companies or platforms.

Holding up posters of her banned tweets, Greene continued to rage:

“You violated me! You called that COVID misinformation. By the way, I’m a member of Congress, and you’re not.”

After Greene had finished having her hissy fit, Democratic Congressman Jimmy Gomez of California asked Roth why Greene had been suspended from Twitter in the first place, to which Roth replied:

“Her personal account was banned from Twitter after repeated written notices due to repeated violations of Twitter rules. The congresswoman repeatedly violated Twitter’s policies about sharing misinformation about Covid-19. She received multiple written warnings about that conduct.”

When Greene tried to speak again (even though her time had expired), Gomez reiterated what Roth had just said:

“The gentle lady from Florida was suspended for knowingly and consistently spreading conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines, right, which is shameful, shameful, especially in a pandemic where millions have lost their lives.”

Has anyone checked to make sure that Margie’s had her annual rabies vaccination?

Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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