If you thought you’d heard all of the absurd excuses and rationalizations Trump supporters can make for the bad behavior of their political lord and savior, you may want to go ahead and grab ahold of your socks, because what you’re about to read could well blow them right off your feet.
BoingBoing notes that Davram Stiefler of the Good Liars interviewed a MAGA member who was easily identified by the T-shirt he was wearing. The shirt depicted “Trump as the Terminator with the ‘I’ll be back’ catchphrase.”
But that’s nowhere near the most bizarre thing that took place during said interview, because the Trump fan suggested the Donald’s many affairs are simply irrelevant if you study the Bible and see who Jesus “dated.”
MAGA man: If you look at the history of Jesus, it was hundreds of years later before he was recognized, and that’s probably the same thing that’s going to happen to Donald Trump.
Stiefler: When you see him, the presence that he has in the room, the way he kind of commands the crowd and the way that he’s…
MAGA man: I think that he’s been picked by God, yes.
Stiefler: He wears lifts on his shoes, he wears a lot of make up. He wears a girdle to hold in his belly. Is that something God would do?
MAGA man: First off, if you knew anything about the apostles, they were pretty much all trash. They all had their bad qualities, and even Jesus was dating a hooker.
Actually, Jesus was not dating a hooker. The MAGA man seems to be referencing Mary Magdalene, who may have been a prostitute and was a follower of Christ. But nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were dating or involved in any manner whatsoever.
Of course, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a Trump supporter doesn’t know what the Bible says. After all, most of them are fake Christians who proclaim their faith but don’t know the first thing about what’s actually in the Bible. If they did, they damn sure wouldn’t be so bigoted towards people of color, immigrants, and women.
The MAGA man in the video got plenty of reaction on Twitter.
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It's bad enough that they dropped Jesus to worship his polar opposite. Now they have to slander Jesus to defend the orange Anti-Christ.