Capitol Insurrection

Jailed Capitol Insurrectionist Whines He Has ‘No Privacy When Sh*tting’

Listen my children and you shall hear of the endless whining, moaning, and kvetching of the dillholes who participated in…

3 years ago

Tucker Carlson Threatens Another Insurrection If Election ‘Audits’ Aren’t Believed

If you're like most rational American television viewers, you don't watch Fox News for the same reason you don't eat…

3 years ago

Maria Bartiromo Gets Shredded For Pushing New And ‘Incredibly Sick’ Capitol Riot Conspiracy

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo set off a firestorm of criticism on social media Sunday for a conspiracy theory she…

3 years ago

An Obscure 19th Century Federal Law Could Finally Rid Us Of Donald Trump

Since January 6, it's been clear that the rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol and staged an insurrection were operating…

3 years ago

Former Federal Prosecutor Predicts Trump Will Be Charged For Inciting The Capitol Insurrection

A few weeks ago, we learned that the Justice Department had formally charged four more members of the Oath Keepers…

3 years ago