Categories: CongressGOPPolls

Stunning Colorado Poll Suggests Lauren Boebert Is Toast In 2024


Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert found herself in one of the closest reelection battles in the country in 2022, managing to eek out a victory over Democrat Adam Frisch by the slimmest of margins, just 546 votes in a district that leans to the right.

New polling out of Colorado, however, suggests that Boebert won’t be so lucky come 2024, according to a report from Sara Wilson of Colorado Newsline.

An early poll shows incumbent U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert and Adam Frisch, the Democrat who came close to unseating the Republican in 2022, in a tie for the seat amid current political conditions.

If the 2024 election were held today with the two candidates, 45% of voters would choose Frisch and 45% would choose Boebert, according to findings from a poll released Tuesday.

An incumbent in a tie with her opponent with the 2024 election cycle set to begin (at least in part) later this year. That’s not exactly what a sitting member of the Congress wants to hear.

About all Frisch has to do at this point if he wants to win is increase his name recognition, something he’ll have plenty of money to accomplish as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced has announced that it will indeed be targeting Boebert for defeat in 2024.

Frisch also has an opening among Republican voters, according to the poll.

Among Republicans who described themselves as not very conservative, 60% back Boebert, 24% back Frisch and 16% are undecided. Pollsters said this shows an opportunity for Frisch to gain ground with center-of-right voters who may be disillusioned with Boebert’s extreme politics and who might agree with Frisch’s stance on abortion and economic policies. Frisch painted himself as a moderate last year.

But the most troubling result from the poll is that many in the district say they don’t believe Boebert’s priorities align with theirs.

Respondents listed addressing inflation and protecting Social Security as the two most important issues for Congress to focus on. They put defending former President Donald Trump and self-promotion on social media as the two bottom priorities among those offered by pollsters. Those two issues, however, were the ones respondents ranked as the top priorities Boebert seems to be focused on.

In other words, Boebert is doing exactly the opposite of what her constituents want her to be doing. She’s busy representing herself and defending Trump, but not helping to solve the problems that confront the average middle class voter.

There’s also the matter of Boebert’s unfavorable rating, which continues to skyrocket.

In March 2021, 39% of respondents had an unfavorable view of Boebert. Today, that number stands at 50%, which suggests she is ripe for defeat.

546 votes were all that kept Boebert in Congress. But it certainly sounds like voters in her district are ready to kick her to the curb once and for all.

Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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  • The only polls that matter are elections. Dems had a chance to destroy Boebert in November and blew it...because 547 -- a tiny percent of eligible Dem voters there-- didn't bother to show up. Everyone who was eligible to vote against Boebert but didn't should be ashamed of themselves forever.

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