Categories: Donald TrumpElections

Rachel Maddow Predicts What Trump Will Do Next – And It’s Chilling

Recent remarks from failed former president Donald Trump in which he called those opposed to him “vermin” are part of larger plan by him to destroy the power of words that are being used against him, according to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, and that suggests some very dark days are ahead for this country.

Speaking with fellow MSNBC host Chris Hayes, Maddow explained:

“The use of the word ‘vermin’ and with the way that he’s calling his enemies ‘fascist’ — he’s started calling you and me and anybody who’s not Team Trump a fascist.”

Much the way he did with the term “fake news,” Maddow continued, Trump wants to take all the sting out of being labeled a fascist, making it irrelevant:

“He has to save the world from the fascist. And he’s using this terminology which is overtly and obviously fascist callback language: ‘Enemy of the People’ yeah okay, but calling the internal enemy ‘vermin’ that needs to be exterminated — he knows what he’s doing.”

If you doubt that Trump is indeed trying to inoculate the public from terms such as “vermin” and “fascist,” consider how his campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, reacted when those terms were used by Trump on social media recently.

“Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Chung warned. “And their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

Their entire existence will be crushed. That’s the same sort of language Adolf Hitler used against anyone who dared to oppose him. And it resulted in 11 million people perishing in the Holocaust.

Is that what we want to see happen in this country?

Here’s the video from MSNBC:

Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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