Psychologist: Trump’s Recent Utterances Point To ‘Underlying Brain Damage’

Dr. John Gartner is a psychologist and former assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School. And he has a warning for the country as the November election draws closer: Donald Trump is mentally unfit for office and may have serious brain damage.

Speaking with Chauncey DeVega of Salon, Gartner says he believes the failed ex-president’s mental state suggests a “fundamental breakdown” in his “ability to use language.”

For example, Trump’s recent word salad at the U.S.-Mexico border, when he said that immigrants “don’t speak languages” and suggesting “we have languages coming into our country, we have nobody that even speaks those languages.”

“In my opinion, Donald Trump is getting worse as his cognitive state continues to degrade,” Gartner explained. “If Trump were your relative, you’d be thinking about assisted care right now.”

Psychologist Harry Segal, a senior lecturer at Cornell University and Weill Cornell Medical School, concurred with Gartner.

“In the past six months, Trump’s rallies are filled with strange lapses of logic. He has confused Biden with Obama, spoke of World War II, and has lapsed into bewildering digressions that are hard to follow.”

Additionally, Trump’s constant lying is also “a form of mental illness, so these cognitive lapses are literally sitting atop what appears to be an already compromised psychological functioning,” Segal continued.

Vincent Greenwood, the founder and executive director of the Washington Center For Cognitive Therapy also cited brain damage as the cause of Trump’s ongoing verbal gaffes, some of which are so severe that they should serve as a warning sign for every voter.

“In his speech in North Carolina, Trump said ‘migrant cime’ leaving out the ‘r’; and was unable to say ‘Venezuela’ which came out sounding like ‘Venezwheregull.’ These are examples of what we call phonemic paraphasia which is associated with underlying brain damage.”

It pays to remember that Trump’s father, Fred, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1993. Family history is the second strongest risk factor for Alzheimer’s.

Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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