Donald Trump Jr. Social Media

Ana Navarro Verbally Eviscerates Donald Trump Jr. For Calling Her Fat

On Friday, shortly after a COVID scare on the set of the ABC program “The View,” Donald Trump Jr. thought he’d prove what an asshole he is by calling co-host Ana Navarro obese, firing off this tweet:

In response, Navarro posted this message for Junior:

But Ms. Navarro was far from finished with Don Jr., verbally destroying him on the Monday’s show as she looked into the camera and remarked:

“First of all, I mean I know that when you are a dimwit with no skill or talent or significant accomplishments, living off your father’s fame, and name, and fortune, you’ve gotta draw attention to yourself,” the co-host lambasted Don Jr.

“But baby, if you wanna have a conversation about COVID and obesity, you could have had it last October when your elderly, obese father had it, OK? So it is a legitimate conversation to have and, fortunately for you, you have somebody in your family that you can call and discuss it with…because imagine having a father whose butt is the size of a studio apartment in New Jersey.

“And you’ve got the gall to pick on me?”

Navarro even posted video of her remarks to Twitter so everyone could enjoy them:

Hey, Junior: Next time you decide to try and trash someone, go take a look in the mirror first and realize that you’re one of the biggest pieces of crap on the planet.

Donald Trump Elections Fox News

Fox Calls Arizona For Biden Again –Trump Erupts With Impotent Rage

On Friday evening, hours after it was announced that a forensic audit of the vote in Arizona found no irregularities and actually uncovered more votes for President Joe Biden, Fox News called the state for Biden yet again.

Fox also called Arizona for Biden on election night back in November, which reportedly led to Trump demanding that they retract their report. But the network refused to bow to the former president and now, 10 months later, has been vindicated.

Just as he had back on election night, Trump once again began firing off angry missives. But since he has no access to Twitter or Facebook, he was forced to email his complaints to the media and supporters. Here’s a sampling of what he had to say:

“It is not even believable the dishonesty of the Fake News Media on the Arizona Audit results, which shows incomprehensible Fraud at an Election Changing level, many times more votes than is needed. The Fake News Media refuses to write the facts, thereby being complicit in the Crime of the Century.”

Did Trump provide any evidence of his claims? No. Because he has none. An audit conducted by people and groups loyal to him found that he lost the Grand Canyon State.

Despite having zero proof, Trump then demanded that Arizona decertify their election results, which isn’t going to happen:

“They are so dishonest, but Patriots know the truth! Arizona must immediately decertify their 2020 Presidential Election Results.

“Massive fraud was found in the Arizona Forensic Audit, sometimes referred to as ‘Fraudit.’ The numbers are Election Changing!”

Eight minutes later, there was this bit of drivel:

“I will be discussing the winning results of the Arizona Forensic Audit, which will show 44,000 possibly illegal ballots cast, tomorrow at the Great State of Georgia rally, which will be packed!”

Discuss it all you want, Donnie, but the election is over with, and so are the bogus audits. You lost. You’re a loser, just like your old man always told you when he had to bail you out time and time again because you’re such a terrible businessman.


Donald Trump WTF?!

Donald Trump’s Weird Bush-Cheney Photoshop Will Give You Nightmares

Something very strange happened on Thursday evening, and it took the form of an email from failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump that he sent to his email subscribers.

Keep in mind, Trump would love to have used Twitter and Facebook to share what someone cooked up for him, but he’s banned from those platforms, and we can all hope and pray he’ll never be allowed back on either.

Michael Luciano of Mediaite appears to be the first reporter to have gotten ahold of what was sent by Trump in email, and he reported:

On Thursday night, Donald Trump sent his email subscribers a bizarre photoshopped image of Liz Cheney and George W. Bush spliced together and I am shook.

The photo was the only content in the email, other than the subject line of “ICYMI: Must-See Photo.”

Prepare yourself for the photo. You’re going to be seeing it in your mind for longer than you’d probably like.

This is just the latest in Trump’s personal obsession with Bush and Cheney, according to USA Today:

Donald Trump has renewed his feud with fellow former President George Bush, this time over Bush’s support for anti-Trump congresswoman Liz Cheney – another front in the deeply personal battle over control of the Republican Party.

Trump, who is backing a Republican opponent of Cheney in Wyoming’s GOP primary next year, attacked Bush over military policy after news broke that Bush is sponsoring an Oct. 18 campaign fundraiser for Cheney in Dallas.

“Bush is the one who got us into the quicksand of the Middle East,” and “the Middle East was left in worse shape after 21 years than it was when he started his stupidity,” Trump said in a statement late Wednesday.

But the photo, you’ll probably agree, is a new low, even for Trump. However, there is one possible outcome that we can hope for: Someone needs to do a photoshopped version of Trump and Melania. Or maybe Donald and Ivanka, since we know he’s lusted after her since she was only 13.

Ok, photoshoppers. The gauntlet has been laid down. Get to work and share your creations with the internet.

Fox News Media in America The Biden Administration Viral Video

Jen Psaki Masterfully Mocks Peter Doocy For Suggesting Pregnant Women Are A Threat

Once again today, Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy managed to walk right into a humiliating takedown delivered by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and video of the interaction is quickly going viral.

Doocy asked about the thousands of immigrants at the Texas-Mexico border, and Pskai made it clear they weren’t being allowed into the United States.

Doocy, however, decided to suggest otherwise, telling Psaki:

“We’re being told by our people on the ground that you’re releasing pretty much all family units. Couples where the woman says that she is pregnant, or single women who say that they are pregnant and that no one has to actually take a pregnancy test unless they want to, so…..”

Psaki had the perfect comeback:

“Are you suggesting that you don’t believe when women say they’re pregnant? Is that a big issue? We think at the border?”

Doocy sarcastically replied:

“I’m not in charge of keeping the border secure.”

Calmly, professionally, Psaki repeated her query to the Fox reporter:

“Do you think pregnant women are posing a big threat to the border? To the border communities — is that a big issue?”


“You tell me.”

Psaki then shut Doocy down by quoting the law to him:

“I’m not aware of pregnant women being a big issue of concern to people at the border. What I will note for you, Peter, is that, as I said earlier, there is a process. If people cannot be expelled under Title 42 for a range of reasons. Some of that is that countries they came from or other countries, including Mexico, may not be accepting families with children under the age of seven. They are placed in removal proceedings. Those removal proceedings require them to either go to a detention facility or require them to go get a notice to appear and including their biometric data and otherwise so that we can ensure where they are.”

You’d think that Peter Doocy would learn his lesson and stop trying to trip up Jen Psaki. Instead, he keeps asking moronic questions and proving why the only “news” network that will employ him is the one that also allows Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham to spew their disgusting lies each and every night.

Donald Trump Social Media The Trump Adminstration

Kayleigh McEnany Deletes Tweet After Owning Herself And Donald Trump With Posting

If you’re in need of some humor, former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany provided plenty of laughter on Twitter with a post she made (and later deleted) about the murder rate under the Biden administration.

The problem: The chart she referenced to make her point actually measured a rising murder rate while failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was in office.

According to Mediate, here’s what happened:

Former Trump Press Secretary and current Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany deleted a tweet Wednesday night that slammed the sharp increase in the murder rate in 2020.

Her quote tweet of a New York Times article on crime rate trends included a predictably political missive: “The US Murder Rate under Joe Biden…”

However, as many on Twitter were quick to point out, the massive increase in the murder rate shown on the graph happened in 2020, when the president was Donald Trump, and McEnany worked at the White House. Oops.

And here’s McEnany’s tweet:

The report from the Times referenced by McEnany states:

The United States in 2020 experienced the biggest rise in murder since the start of national record-keeping in 1960, according to data gathered by the F.B.I. for its annual report on crime.

The Uniform Crime Report will stand as the official word on an unusually grim year, detailing a rise in murder of around 29 percent.

If Kayleigh had bothered to think for a moment, she would have realized that Biden didn’t take office until January 20, 2021, meaning a crime stat from 2020 would fall on her former boss.

And deleting the tweet only complicates the matter, because it draws attention to McEnany’s flub. Then again, the moment she hit the “Tweet” button, her self-own became a fait accompli. Oh, and she even managed to own Trump, too. That’s one hell of a twofer.

Reactions on social media to Kayleigh’s idiocy were piquant and hilarious:

Only the best people. Right, Kayleigh?