Bless their little hateful hearts, the MAGA faithful are being ripped off every step of the way, and yet they can’t see it or, even when they do, they never blame their lord and savior, Donald John Trump. Instead, they blame others for the greed that follows wherever the failed, one-term former president goes.
Case in point: The CPAC conference being held this weekend in Dallas Texas. Trump spoke Saturday evening to attendees, but there was such huge demand to see the disgraced, twice-impeached ex-president that tickets were sold for people to watch the speech from other rooms, where it was piped in via video.
That led to some of the Trump acolytes complaining to Davram Stiefler of comedy duo The Good Liars that they’d been treated terribly.
Steifler shared a video he made outside CPAC in which he announces:
“We are outside of CPAC in Dallas, 2022. People are getting turned away – want to tell us about it?”
The man explained:
“Yes, we were looking forward to seeing Trump live. We actually paid for it right here, and they knew we were not getting in.”
That led Steifler to ask:
“They sold you tickets — it was already overcapacity — they took your money, sent you in there and you just got turned away?”
The man replied:
“Do you think it’s an issue of the organizers of CPAC getting greedy?”
That led the man to respond:
“It could be that. It may not be organized enough, not knowing what the capacity was. I’m not gonna sit and watch in the overflow room.”
Be sure and notice that the couple never said a bad word about Trump, who may well have suggested CPAC sell as many tickets as possible and split the take with him. Would that surprise you? If so, then you clearly don’t know the level of grift the Donald operates from.
There’s an old saying which applies when it comes to Con Man Don: If you can’t tell who’s being conned, congratulations, it’s you!
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