Kyle Rittenhouse (a.k.a. Killer Kyle as he’s often called) should be able to draw one hell of crowd when he shows up considering that he’s a darling of the right-wing gun fetishists who think they need to strap semiautomatic weapons to their obese frames in order to visit Wal Mart and pick up some beer and bologna for the weekend.
But it turns out that Killer Kyle isn’t much of an attraction, as he proved when he was a featured speaker at a pro-gun rally in Ionia, Michigan.
When he did speak, the tens (if that) of people who showed up in the heat got to hear Kyle intone against anyone who has ever suggested that sensible gun control is a good idea.
“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her anti-freedom cohorts are hellbent on shredding Second Amendment rights for law-abiding Michiganders,” Rittenhouse said.
Rittenhouse called House Minority Leader Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, a “weak-kneed Republican” who “opened the door” to a red flag law. Hall was one of five House Republicans to vote for the three bills establishing safe storage, drawing outrage from some conservatives. Hall did not vote for the bills establishing a red flag law.
Rittenhouse may have also been under the impression that Republicans controlled the House — asking, “what’s the point of a Republican majority?” — when in fact Democrats control both chambers of the Legislature. A message seeking comment was left with Hall’s office.
Yeah, Kyle. Blah blah blah. He might just as well have said, I like guns and killing people, and I know you do, too, or why else would you be here to listen to a loser like me?
Well, because losers attract other losers. It’s the Second Law of the Physics of Pathetic.
However, something good did come out of the rally: The humiliation and mockery that was doled out online in response to Killer Kyle’s below par crowd size.
Maybe next time Killer Kyle needs to serve some beer and sandwich meats to guarantee that the fatties like him make the trek.
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