Kellyanne Conway Tells Sean Hannity There Was ‘No Supply Chain Crisis’ When Trump Was President

Former Trump administration senior adviser Kellyanne Conway resurfaced Monday evening on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show to do the only thing she’s any good at: Lying.

During a discussion of President Joe Biden and the continuing delays in getting goods to market as a result of an overwhelmed supply chain in the United States and around the world, Conway insisted that there were no shortages when her boss was president:

“I worked in that White House for four years. We never even heard of a such of a thing. There was no supply chain crisis. There was no inflation.”

As HuffPost notes, the supply chain crisis during the pandemic while Trump was still president was so bad that there were times it was almost impossible to find toilet paper or other essentials:

Supply chain issues were one of the most dominant stories of 2020, when Trump was president and Conway was working in the White House as the start of the coronavirus pandemic triggered panic buying. That, in turn, caused nationwide shortages of everything from toilet paper to pasta, leading to empty shelves in supermarkets.

“During the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. suffered one of the worst supply chain crises in modern history,” Tinglong Dai, a professor at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, told Newswise, noting that many of the shortages lasted for months.

When supermarkets did have supplies, many enforced strict rationing of essentials such as flour and meat. The lack of food, combined with the loss of jobs due to the pandemic, led to miles-long lines at food banks.

Even the most basic items needed to help control the spread of COVID were hard to find, including masks, gloves, sanitizer, and soap.

And let’s not forget that under Trump the U.S. unemployment rate reached almost 15%.

That was all it took for Twitter to explode with reminders for Conway of just how bad things were while Trump was in the White House:

The Queen of Alternative Facts needs to sit down and shut her piehole.

Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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