Just how badly are things going for the Trump 2024 campaign and the failed ex-president? So badly that it appears even flies can smell the stench of decay and loss that hovers over the disgraced former head of state.
Speaking in Wisconsin over the weekend, Trump was ostensibly on a rant about the need for fossil fuels. It’s hard to tell sometimes, as he often zig zags and goes off in all sorts of bizarre directions that have nothing to do with the point he was trying to make.
As you can see in the video below, Trump then swats at a fly onstage, which diverts his attention to the subject of flies.
Donald may not be a fan of flies, but it certainly appears they sure love being near him, which isn’t surprising since the insects are known to love anything putrid or rotting, most notably feces of any kind.
The fly incident set off a wave of internet mockery.
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