U.S. Senate

Ron Johnson’s Twitter Poll About Ending The Filibuster Backfires On Him In Spectacular Fashion

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) thought he had a surefire way to prove that the majority of Americans don't support reforming…

3 years ago

Lindsey Graham Says He No Longer Supports Mitch McConnell Because He’s Been Mean To Trump

For those of you keeping score at home in the Great GOP Civil War of 2021, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)…

3 years ago

America Applauds When Hot Mic Catches Dr. Fauci Destroying A GOP Senator: ‘What A Moron!’

During a Senate hearing Tuesday on the U.S. response to COVID-19, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of…

3 years ago

Fauci Destroys Ted Cruz: ‘I Should Be Prosecuted?! What Happened On Jan. 6, Senator?!’

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has had quite enough of blowhard Sen.…

3 years ago

Mitch McConnell Admits That Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Is A ‘Godsend’

Even though he has vowed to obstruct President Joe Biden at every turn, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is…

3 years ago

Ted Cruz Attacked Biden For Going On ‘Vacation’ – That Was A Cancun-Sized Mistake

Ted Cruz may well be the least self-aware person in all of Washington, and as a result he continually tries…

3 years ago

Ted Cruz Claims The Biden Administration Is ‘Persecuting’ The Capitol Insurrectionists

Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz (R) doesn't believe that everyone who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 deserves to…

4 years ago

Ted Cruz Tried To Troll Joe Biden By ‘Driving’ A Truck – It Backfired Badly On Him

Poor Ted Cruz. The Texas senator wants so badly to pretend that he has a sense of humor and is…

4 years ago

Ted Cruz Got His A*s Handed To Him At A Senate Hearing – So He Stormed Out Like A Child

Though it's been said millions of times before, it bears repeating: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the biggest, most obnoxious…

4 years ago

Ted Cruz Picked A Twitter Fight With Trevor Noah – That Was A BIG Mistake

There are few people in this country who are as widely disliked as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who has also…

4 years ago